Tuesday, December 26, 2017


Surroundings formerly innocuous
suddenly sprout sharp edges-
engendering movement, multi-direction,
a slash through skin and muscle.
Legs self-mobilize and tread hallway,
automated to tasks foreordained-
blood-splatter garnishing
virgin surfaces of serrated trek,
en route to the goal.
Left arm hanging- greasy gristle,
right sliced through, still operative-
legs almost reach the end intact-
path-shuffling pain yet persevere-
the Achilles goes, and body falters,
tumbles with right hand on door handle
smudging it with a vulgar stain
that reads: never may thee enter.

Monday, December 18, 2017

on the solstice

On the solstice
my heart is opening,
walk with me and see
the foundation we're building-
this will be where the tower stands
and the walls will open to
a grand gate of wonder,
inviting inside all those we love.

On the solstice
my mind is churning,
blazing with the prospects
for a future together-
a great hall decorated with loving words,
a hearth with fires that summon
the summer in December,
shielding from cold all those we love.

On the solstice
my soul is dancing,
whirling with the fires
of the forge we're tending-
careening through demolition of ruins past, 
through the doorways hammered tight
an ediface of light unbridled,
embracing in wide arms all those we love.